Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear diary that doesn't exist,

A diary.
Is that what this is? I would like to not imagine it that way but in some sense of the word the fact remains that you can classify it as just that. However, the difference is clear. A diary is written and intended to be a dialogue that only the writer will read.  This, this is written with the intent for anyone to know my thoughts. A hope that you will gain new understanding and insight. Learn something about me. Learn something about yourself. This is not intended to be a day-to-day chronicle of my life for I think no one would want to read that. If you wanted to bore yourself that much you would talk to a mirror for an hour.
So that brings us to the point: what is this blog about? The title should insinuate something. What do you take it to mean? Think of it as not me speaking, but rather that tiny voice in my head that won't allow me to sleep at night. This is his blank canvas. His interjections to be let free. His way to show he's prevalent. It is a look into the mind of someone who has achieved great things. Someone who has suffered immensely. Someone you would never expect to do something like this. It is what he has always wanted to say, but never could. Take the journey with him through his mind, but be warned of the revelations that are made known. Feel with him as he feels. Try to understand what he means, as complex as that may be.
This is not a self loathing stunt. This isn't something that is aimed to make people feel bad for him. It is simply a running dialogue of what goes through his head. So again, what is the point? Make it what you want it to be. As this is intended for you, try to make your own meaning of it. I encourage it. Use it as a means to listen to yourself. Listen to your own thoughts. Try to understand it. 

"Speak as if no one is listening, with the intent for everyone to hear."

1 comment:

  1. I read through this a few times. So it looks to me like we are here to discuss your thoughts.

    Many of us in this day and especially at this age have thoughts and emotions that stir up beneath the surface. Beneath any facebook status. Many of us feel so estranged by our social situation, even the most popular of us. Who will listen to our deepest thoughts? Who will understand what we experience? Who will "like" us? Well to that I say look around you. Be on the inside looking out and not the outside looking in. Its not where you are, where you've been or even where you are going. Its your point of view. I find myself focusing so much on what I am thinking, why I am thinking it and why I feel a certain way. While I'm being so analytic, why don't I ask about social networking? What is the whole premise of it anyway? Its there so that people can be interested in whats going in our lives. We post about what we did that day, how we are feeling or what cool new thing we just bought. I don't think that there is anything inherently wrong with doing that. We are very social creatures after all. But what it can create is this need for recognition. If we aren't getting any sort of response we feel that nobody cares. The internet is very black and white. People either engage or they don't. Face to face communication disappears along with human emotion. Sometimes it shows how sad and lonely people can be. So take a step back and look at what is in your heart. It is a hard thing for me to put into words, but I would say that in order for us to learn about our lives, we need to turn off the "me" switch and engage with others at the simplest level. I feel so alive and good about myself when I take the time to learn about people and their experience. I am sharing what life is with people. The simplest of things tell me the most about people.

    The most important thing in life for me is perspective. With the right one, all things are possible.
