Monday, April 11, 2011


A funny thing isn't it? There are certain times to where funny would never be the word to be associated with it but when life forces you to smile, you can't help but find certain situations funny. A few weeks ago I would have never said it. Now? Now I am happy. It's a change that is clearly evident to the ones around me. The tone of my voice, my outlook on certain issues, the way I deal with them. I can't help but focus on one subject in particular. For so long I held a grudge. Something that seemed so easy to do at the time. Slowly it is being eroded away. Not ready to forgive just yet but slowly building towards a civility that previously did not exist. This coupled with experiences that can only be called amazing, and you begin to see why life is funny. Profound? Yes. It forced me to make a difficult change that made a world of a difference in my attitude. I'm not sure which change occurred first: Good experiences helping me make better decisions? Or better decisions helping me to enjoy those good experiences? I see a combination of both, the two working hand-in-hand. However it happened, I am happy. This is why I can't help but smile, and learn to laugh again.

"The healthiest response to life is joy."

1 comment:

  1. I want to know. You. I feel like I do already I suppose.
    And to be so bold, I would like to make you a little bit happier, if you'd like...
